2023/24 Vaccines


Fall 2023 Update: We continue to schedule appointments for all flu and/or COVID vaccine visits, and our goal is to have each visit to be completed within 15-minutes. We have two varieties of FluBlok influenza vaccine available: Recombinant Quad or  High-Dose quad for 65+ --- All are preservative-free.

Our familiar "drop-in" option remains unavailable to avoid crowding in the waiting room, so flu shots are by appointment only. Please call to schedule, available within a week.

Always bring your insurance card(s) and photo ID, to ensure our records are up to date. We greatly appreciate our patient's patience as we take care of the necessary administrative details.

Influenza (Flu) information from the CDC -- (https://www.cdc.gov/flu/)

Over 65? We do stock the special flu vaccine for people over 65, in limited quantity, so in this case, please do call in advance to ensure we have one available for you. Our goal is to keep this in stock.

People 65 years and older have two flu shots available to choose from - a regular dose flu vaccine and a newer flu vaccine designed specifically for people 65 and older with a higher dose. ... The “high dose vaccine” contains 4 times the amount of antigen as the regular flu shot and is associated with a stronger immune response following vaccination (higher antibody production). Preliminary studies suggest this may translate into greater protection against flu disease. (source: CDC.gov accessed 10-07-2016)

For more information, please go to https://www.cdc.gov/flu/